Efficiency of Resource use in Rice Farming Enterprise in Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria.
David Terfa Akighir, Terwase Shabu
This study examines the resource use efficiency in rice production in Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State Nigeria. The data for the study was collected from 100 rice farmers in the four districts of the study area using a simple random sampling technique. Cobb Douglas production function and technical efficiency techniques were used as analytical tools. The study revealed coefficient of elasticity of Cobb Douglas production function of 1.3 which implies that rice farmers in the area are producing in the first stage of production. The technical efficiency estimates reveal that all the Marginal Physical Productivity (MPPs) were higher than the Average Physical Product (APPs) which also suggest that, the farmers were producing in the first stage of production. The study concludes that rice farmers in kwande local government were technically inefficient in rice production. Emergent from the findings, it was recommended that concerted efforts from individual rice farmers, government and research institution to establish farmers’ participatory extension service to ensure timely supply and proper use of rice farm inputs in order to improve farmers resource use efficiency.
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