International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

The Prosecution of Economic Crime in Hellas
Korontzis Tryfon

Today in Hellas during political and economical institutions crisis, the topical economically, journalistic, communicationally but also politically item is the prosecution of economic crime. The reasons are obvious. With the consequences of economic crisis be perceptible in all, the collapse of the tax revenue mechanism (if never existed an organized tax revenue mechanism in Hellas), the continuously increase of deficits of government funds, the weakness of combating the sovereign phenomenon of tax evasion and underground economy, are seeking ways of combating the economic crime. Ways which will allow in the state to increase incomes, but at the same time as long as this can become reality, via the effective action of competent institutions in this sector, to be discouraged the citizens of committing offences in sectors which related with economic activities.

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