The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Jordanian Industrial Companies: An empirical study on Amman Stock Exchange
Dr. Waseem "mohammad yahya"Al- Haddad, Dr. Saleh Taher Alzurqan, Dr. Fares Jamil Al_Sufy
This study aimed to provide evidence of whether or not the corporate governance & performance indicators of the Jordanian industrial companies listed at Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) are affected by variables that were proposed and to provide the important indicators of the relationship of corporate governance & firms’ performance that can be used by the Jordanian industrial firms to solve the agency problem. The study population consists of (96) Jordanian industrial firms' governance of the Jordanian firms listed at Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). (44) Firms were randomly to be used in the study. The study founds that there is a direct positive relationship between profitability -measured either by Earnings per share (EPS) or Return on assets (ROA)- and corporate governance, also a positive direct relationship between each of liquidity, dividend per share, and the size of the company with corporate governance, finally the study found a positive direct relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance.
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