International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 10.30845/ijhss

Impacts of Recent Urban Development on Historic Reservoirs
De Tena, M. T; Galindo, J

In the environment of Proserpina Dam (Mérida, Spain), of Roman origin, an urbanized area lacking sewage has been developing since the 1950s. The detailed study of its urban characteristics, the main polluting aspects and the proposal of the technical solution closest to its reality are the main objectives of this work. To avoid the main urban impact, the infiltration of leachates into the reservoir, a comparative study has been made between two possible solutions to choose among them the one that is best adapted to the area: design and implementation of a separative wastewater sewerage network and "in situ" treatment of wastewater through individual treatment systems. With the same or greater capacity to treat wastewater that some public facilities, the use of total oxidation biological treatment plants as a private system is the best alternative to the lack of sewerage network in the urban area within the basin of Proserpina.

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